
My Puzzle Cabinet App

Platform Link
Android My Puzzle Cabinet App Android
Apple (iOS) My Puzzle Cabinet App iOS

What is the "My Puzzle Cabinet" App?

My Puzzle Cabinet App icon My Puzzle Cabinet is a digital haven for puzzle enthusiasts. It helps users keep track of their puzzle collection, wishlist, and puzzle activities. Discover new puzzles and keep track of your progress in a fun and organized way.

How can the app be used?

Use the app to catalog your puzzle collection, mark puzzles as owned, on wishlist, or completed. You can also make notes about your puzzles and even keep track of the number of pieces for each puzzle. In the main screen, you can search all text fields, including those only seen in the detail screen. So if you set a marker in the note field, you can create a list this way.

Particulars regarding images: You can link a photo of a puzzle to a website where it is located (URL must contain the name of the picture and often ends in .jpg or .png etc.). This has the advantage that you can use a photo of a puzzle without having to store it on your device and this link is also included in an export to CSV and any later imports.

You can also store a photo of a puzzle on your device and use it as a picture. This has the advantage that you can use the photo even when you do not have an internet connection. If you store a photo of a puzzle on your device, it will not be included in an export to CSV, which has the advantage that loading is faster and no internet is required to display the image, but keep in mind the size of the images, larger requires more space and is slower to load.

Local photos can be created in the app or taken from your photo album. These photos are stored in the app and are not visible to other apps. You can delete these photos by editing the puzzle and changing the photo or by deleting the puzzle. Multiple pictures for the same puzzle are currently not supported. A local photo takes precedence over a linked photo, so if both are present, the link is ignored.


The app is still in development. Work is being done to add new features and improve the user experience. The app is now available for Android devices and iOS devices.

The app is free to download and use for Android with ads and paid on Apple without ads. There are advertisements, hopefully, this will somewhat offset the costs, but there are no in-app purchases. I use tooling (currently Sentry) that reports errors and potential problems from the app, these are mainly stack traces etc. no personal data.

There will be a paid version for Android without ads and a free version with ads for iOS. Probably, some new features will not be available in the free version.

The app is made by and for puzzle lovers. Keep in mind this is so far a hobby project that I do alongside my regular work, unfortunately, it does bring some costs with it. (website hosting, Google developer account, Apple Developer Account, etc.)

For feedback and suggestions contact us at Especially positive reviews in the app store are greatly appreciated.

Features in development:

Latest News

On November 17, Android version 1.0 became available in the app store (after nearly a week for reviews), it may take a while before it is easily findable (possibly even weeks). But due to enthusiastic reactions and sharing on social media, it has already been downloaded a lot. Here is a link to the Google app store where it can be found My Puzzle Cabinet App Android.

On November 19, a new version was released with some improvements (incl. bug fixes), including expanding filtering, check on not saving, image URL fix, performance improvements, etc.

In December, due to many questions about the iOS (Apple) version, I also started with that, the software is made in such a way that it can be used in multiple environments, but still, some small adjustments are needed to function properly. (It had not been tested with iOS)

On January 1, 2024, the first Apple version became available in the Apple app store, for now only a paid version. We had help from various testers to iron out all the bugs, thanks for this! Here is a link to the Apple app store where it can be found My Puzzle Cabinet App iOS.

P.S. The website is not the highest priority, but I had to create one to be able to publish in the app store.
It is not my hobby but so don't expect a super site, I wanted to keep it simple and focus on the Apps.